The West St. Paul Trail Committee has been working since 2002 to develop our own trail system. The first trail section was completed in 2005 from our Municipal Office northward to West St Paul School. By 2020 we completed approximately 17 kilometers of trails within the Municipality.
Our trails presently include the communities of Middlechurch, Lister Rapids, River’s Springs, Rivercrest, Prairie Meadows, as well as Northumberland Road, Willis Road, Miller Road, Jackman Road, Park’s Creek Drive and River’s Edge Estates.
In 2020 the RM of West St. Paul opened a newly constructed path that joins the West St. Paul Trail System under the North Perimeter Bridge. This new trail provides connection south of the Perimeter Hwy 101 to the community of Riverdale, which links to the neighborhood of McNaughton as well as the Whistler Hollow development and the established streets of Maddock and Drury Avenues.
The RM has installed lighting under the perimeter bridge for additional safety at night. The addition of a West St. Paul Community Mural is also planned to enhance the location. The RM has received approval from Manitoba Infrastructure to create a mural on the bridge supports. This mural would be commissioned and would depict the RM's history and landmarks for those utilizing the trail to view and enjoy. The art work in the community mural would represent Wonderful West St. Paul and show that it is a great place to live, work and play!