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Library Services

Full library services are available at any City of Winnipeg Library, Gaynor Family Library in Selkirk, and the Town of Stonewall Library.

The RM of West St. Paul will refund a portion of the non-resident fee paid by residents to acquire a library membership up to 50%

Please submit your original receipt to the Municipal Office located at 3550 Main Street.  Proof of residency is required.

Allow 4 weeks for processing. Rebate applications are available for download below.

Resolution # 2016-251
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of West St. Paul, upon proof of payment of membership and residency in the RM of West St. Paul, approves a refund of up to 50% of the cost of membership to one of the following: the City of Winnipeg Library, Gaynor Family Library or Town of Stonewall Library per year;

AND FURTHER THAT residents must provide proof of payment in the year no later than January 15 of the following year (submissions received after this date will not be processed).